Hey there! My name is Delci. I'm the voice behind my website www.alifeofheritage.com and my best selling product My Goat Binder. (It's sold and personally shipped out more than 5,600 copies so far all over the world.)
I want to help you raise healthy goats! I can and you can too!
And because I'm a stay at home mom, who desires to raise my children at home feeding their bodies healthy, nutritious food and their minds solid, real life work and fun, I know how hard it can be to do all of that!
Besides goats, I've also set out as my mission in life to live a full life learning how to balance home, kid and work life. And I believe that it IS possible to earn income right where I am, at home, with what I have.
And I believe the same is true for you as well.
You can earn income from home.
There is so much to check out below. Resources for goats and on www.alifeofheritage.com you can find resources and e-Books intended to help you expand your income.
The ALL BOOK BUNDLE below is the best deal you'll find in this entire store!
Featured collection
Hey! I'm Delci!
I'm a stay at home mom in the heart of Montana.
That doesn't seem like much summed up in just 11 words but it's a lot, really! I love on two kids every day as we milk goats, feed pigs, ride horses and try not to get poked by the horns of my husband's corriente cows.
It's a full life. And a happy life. And a hard working life.
There's no getting around the hard work of owning animals and taking care of them, even in the deep and cold snow drifts of winter.
I'm glad you're here. There's a lot to learn in this life and I'm tickled to learn with you.
But there is one thing I find so very frustrating: that agriculture, farm life, and homesteading has and is taking a hit. It's so hard to make a living, let alone a profit when working with animals and dirt.
But I'd like to help change that. I don't want to be apart of that statistic. And neither do you.
That's why I've created a series of emails on how to profit right where you are. With over 230 ideas to inspire you, you can find your groove and bring in some income doing what you love to do.
You can sign up here: 230 Ideas to Profit Email Series
I'd love to see you: A Life of Heritage